
So how do this sound? Cute girls in panties.....of course it sounds, at the very least, interesting, no? I found myself very amused at Richard Kerns latest show at Feature Inc in NYC. I have always loved his work and figured I would feel like somewhat of a voyeur at this show. It took a few minutes for me to ease in and feel comfortable looking at these photos, but once I settled I was all up in it...What I loved the most about these shots was that Richard did not cross the line of having the photos become to ,hmmmm, porn like to the point of being tacky. OK maybe they are a little porn like circa 1970's, but there's nothing wrong with that, it was well executed.

I really loved the shots that were framed with the actual underwear. Personally if I had 10 G's to blow there was one I had my eye on that would have come home with me. The only downside to me was, well, if I'm going to spend 10 G's I would have preferred the underwear to not have been from H & M, can we say Agent Provocateur. They should have cut the H & M tags off at least, but that's just my opinion.