Afro Punk Festival Brooklyn,NY

Once upon a time in Brooklyn's Commodore Barry Park, the movement Afro Punk was in full effect. The Afro Punk experience hits notes on all sensory levels. Positive vibes along with sounds from the most eclectic of musicians run through the outlandishly attractive crowd.  I have to quote from Afro Punk to sum up what Afro Punk represents:

AFRO PUNK became a touchstone of a cultural movement strongly reminiscent of the early days of Hip-Hop. Alternative urban kids across the nation (and across the globe) who felt like outsiders discovered they were actually the core of a boldly innovative, fast-growing community."

P.S. I find that the streets are the true runways of inspiration. 

Brooklyn,Commodore Barry Park, New York, Afro Punk, Festival,Fashion
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