Mexico PT2: Puerto Vallarta

When the need to flee strikes it leads to frantic searches for the most exotic location that will give the most bang for the buck, or in this case peso. Puerto Vallarta...close, cheap, and 80 degrees so decision made. Visions of Puerto Vallarta included tourist laden streets, cruise ships piling in, these images  forced me to pass up the best of deals here. Terrified of being a tourist amongst other tourists, I was desiring the most local of experiences. Zona Romantico's charming cobbled stone streets seemed as far south from the "tourist" area that one could get while still being in the mix.  A beach front hotel backed up to the lively downtown streets. Morning runs along the Malecon, a beach-side boardwalk, built up my appetite in order to demolish pastries from the local bakery. People watching while sipping coffee laden with Mexican chocolate that still has me whimpering. Warm nights at restaurants on the beach, accompanied by tequila infused requests to mariachis trudging through sand, dressed to the nines. I adored this tropical paradise that was only a few hours from home and also taught me a lesson... never judge a book with preconceived notions.  


Mexico PT 1: Boca de Tomatlán

I tend to be thrilled by places I'm not exactly familiar with, this mixed with a healthy fear of the unexpected, always makes for an interesting adventure. I read about Boca de Tomatlan, a sleepy fishing village nestled in between the jungle and the beach, and my curiosity got the best of me. I coughed up the 9 pesos it took to hook a bus ride from Puerto Vallarta to this mysterious place. Windy roads blanketed with greenery occasionally giving sneak peeks of the ocean, taunting me with it's deep aqua color. The ride eventually ended with the bus driver signaling my stop and there I stood in this quaint Mexican town sticking out like a sore inquisitive thumb. Instantly greeted by stray dogs, and locals that were just as curious of me, as I of them. Hiking through thick lush green hills that wound along the ocean with not a soul in sight, the only sounds were the ocean waves and my occasional I just walked into spiderweb screams. Finally landing on the secluded cove of Colomitos beach, a picture perfect slice of heaven that I literally dove right into. Lying around on this picturesque beach, home to a waterfall that tumbled down from the jungle behind and created a small river that lazily flowed by and into the ocean.  Afternoon swims and sun tanning were followed by lounging on the deck of the Ocean Grill, a restaurant tucked away hugging the ocean and is only accessible by boat. Eating fresh mahi mahi while sipping margaritas, perhaps the best ginger, lime, tequila concoction I have ever layed my lips on. As the sun began to set I hitched the water taxi back into town, and was ecstatic that I let my curiosity lead the way to this Mexican paradise.



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